Exploring Language Solutions: Insights and Innovations from Tarjama

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Boosting Your Business With Social Media Localization

Is the internet mainly comprised of English speakers? Not really! In fact, as of January 2020...
Social Media Localization

6 Steps For Website Localization To Compete In A Global Marketplace

As the world becomes one big village via the internet, the target audience for any...

6 Reasons Why Google Translate Puts Your Company at Alarming Risk

(and what to do instead!) Google Translate is a free machine translation service provided by...

Digital Marketing Trends for 2021

Aykut Aslantas, Marketing Director of Tarjama shares his foresights about 2021 in such a challenging...

Language AI Won’t Replace Human Translators Just Yet – Here’s Why

If you are thinking about replacing your language team with AI, you might want to...

Translation Data Security: Is Your Confidential Content Safe?

Due to the fundamental role that data plays in supporting the ongoing digital transformation, entire...

Data Annotation: Types and Use Cases for Machine Learning

It is amazing the number of things machines can be trained to do – from...

Language, the Brain and Reality: A Mind-Blowing Tale

Living organisms across the spectrum of life have their own means of communication. But not...