How and Why AI-Powered Transcription Services are Taking the Legal Industry by Storm

How and Why AI-Powered Transcription Services are Taking the Legal Industry by Storm

Why should you wait for days for an urgent transcript to be delivered by conventional court transcription services when you can get it within hours? The more realistic artificially intelligent systems become, the more successful their use turns out to be, across every sector. AI technology is being introduced across almost every functional domain and new advancements are being made possible every passing day. AI-based transcription services are an integral part of various professional fields such as medicine, information technology, business, ecommerce, aviation, linguistics, and more.

Similarly, the legal sector has also been heavily digitalized, and the AI revolution has changed the perspective of how things work here. In 2014, a study related to justice assessment was conducted by the American Bar Foundation to evaluate the legal needs of contemporary US society. The results showed that almost 80% of the people needing legal assistance choose not to pursue the case by taking any legal action either due to lack of resources, expertise, or time flexibility. 

Speedy legal proceedings are favored by not only the client as a litigant but you as a litigator too. To save time and increase efficiency, legal industry professionals often use automated transcription systems that are based on the principle of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). ASR machines are widely used by various online transcription service providers that incorporate AI-powered bots or avatars to induce high performance in both simple and complex legal tasks. ASR is used to quickly generate the core of the transcripts which is then reviewed and edited by a human transcriptionist that is preferably an expert in the legal sector.

The Rise of AI in Legal Sector

The Rise of AI in Legal Sector

The emerging AI technology introduces sophisticated algorithms and embedded human-like features to incorporate complex functionalities such as behavioral predictions, response evaluation, and mood detection. It also can play a vital role in judicial decisions and in-depth legal case management using both pre-existing and predictional legal strategies. 

Case in point: The transcription service systems provide high searchability features. This way the targeted data can be found by using relevant keywords and the dispersed files can be consolidated in the form of an organized digital database. An AI-inspired legal resource avatar called Gina was appointed as a task handler in Los Angeles back in 2016, to enable traffic citations and court date scheduling. By facilitating automatic data handling and faster speed, this system saved time and labor costs. Consequently, it enabled a considerable decrease in the backlog of cases for the LA Supreme Court.

Why You Need AI-Based Legal Transcription Services

Why You Need for AI-Based Legal Transcription Services

Even though many would argue that conventional transcription services may be used in the legal industry, the two cannot harmonize well due to some of the most obvious reasons. The matter of the fact is that legal documents fall under a completely different content category than generic document generated in word processors. To utilize them in your case proceedings, you need to analyze them and get the legal value out of them.

Every single nuance and every tiny detail in any evidential video footage are important. Similarly, every single word in a legal statement or testimony and every date or timestamp is crucial to the case’s verdict. Therefore, you cannot afford rash mistakes and unnecessary delays in the documentation of case facts and details. This creates a lot of pressure on your legal team and results in a massive backlog of unrecorded legal documents and proceedings.

Here is where comes the role of AI-powered technology and its involvement in the legal transcription scene. Whether it be footage of evidence in a particular legal case or an audio investigative clip as a data record for your legal proceedings, AI technology makes it easier for you. All your testimonies, jury instructions, hearing schedules with timestamps, courtroom summary, legal case briefs, deposition, agreement matter, conference calls and meeting minutes, legal deed documents, e-contract management, etc. can be transcribed without you landing a human hand, not even for management or administration. 

AI has become a constitutional part of transcription services in today’s court of law. The market for AI legal software has seen groundbreaking innovation and modernization in recent times. Due to the ease of transcription through automated means, most courts across the globe have decided to hire artificially intelligent bots as their permanent staff members. 

Case in point: In 2019, an AI-based technology company Authenticty.AI offering accurate intelligence services to the legal industry collaborated with another Audio-visual service provide BIS Digital, Inc. Together they came up with a legal transcription service system called “The Courtside Solution”. This was the step to facilitate artificially intelligent court transcription assistance in a legally approved formatting style. The automation of the transcripts enabled fast data processing and organized record management.    

How You Can Benefit from AI-Transcription Service Systems

How You Can Benefit from AI-Transcription Service Systems

Transcription evaluation services online offer value to your legal multimedia data by not only managing it but also analyzing it just like a super-human, efficient legal assistant without incurring huge salary costs. Text-to-speech, speech-to-text, real-time captioning, legal appointment scheduling, jargon transcribing, and legal formatting features are only a glimpse of how effectively beneficial an AI-based transcription service can be. 

Some AI-featured transcription services facilitate multiple-speaker recognition, making it all the more effective to record your spoken conversations and legal discussions. Whether you are in a busy courtroom or legal case management meeting, consider having all your important dates organized and spoken testimonies and event accounts transcribed with time stamps. Sounds surreal, right? But that is exactly what an artificially intelligent system will do for your legal team. Getting everything down on paper without much hassle.

The search engine facility provided with most of the transcription services makes it handy while combing through a gigantic legal database of transcribed records. 

Perks of Using AI-Based Legal Transcription Services

  1. Cost Savings: A transcription service powered by AI will reduce the time a human transcriptionist spends on manual work and thus cuts down on your labor costs.
  2. Time-Effectiveness: As the AI-embedded transcription software works independently, without having to rely on an actual manual transcriptionist, the process becomes speedier. Instead of cumbersome, lengthier transcription experience, this saves you time and improves the workflow.  
  3. Work Efficiency: As soon as time is reduced and the features are enhanced, your team and workflow efficiency automatically increase.
  4. Accuracy: Most automated legal transcription software is embedded with pre-defined legal strategies along with prediction features to make sure that the data analysis and documentation are accurate and remain valuable to you.
  5. Additional Functionality: The beauty of an AI-based system is its sophistication and dynamic functionality. The flexible programming in robotic transcription machines or software offers a board range of functional features that work on the principle of inference. This enables logical thinking to the existing data, deduce results, and analyze behaviors and dialogue while transcribing it. Sometimes, programmers also incorporate a training component in the interface to let it recognize similar patterns of data once it has recurred enough.  
  6. Multi-Tasking: As a multi-dimensional technology, AI-based transcription services also offer a two-way solution to the text-to-speech and speech-to-text scenario by consolidating both in a single interface. These systems can also recognize and identify multiple speakers and their voices simultaneously due to the logical algorithms programmed in it.
  7. Timestamping: Timestamps are small notations at regular intervals in a transcribed document to denote a particular incident or event on a particular fraction or point of time. In a time-ranged transcript, while running a transcript evaluation service, timestamping is offered as an added advantage to the legal data record. This helps you in evaluating the sequence of events and weighing them according to the time-sensitive parameters that may change the course of your legal case.
  8. Searchability: Usually legal cases contain a lot of data that needs consolidation and organization. Databasing the files chronologically manually requires huge effort and time. However, searching for a particular file becomes much easier when the dates are stamped, and you only have to enter your intended date in the search field. 
  9. Proper Formatting: As you know that legal contracts and deeds, etc. all require a particular formatting style and jargon understandability. AI-based legal transcription services offer automated formatting features to quickly generate your transcripts in a suitable format fit for the court. The embedded jargon dictionary and text-prediction feature also make sure that the transcribed words are aligned with the proper, legal tone and style. 

How does ASR Work?

Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) works at the core of AI-powered transcription. Its job is to process human speech and convert it into written text. Here’s how it works in a nutshell;

  • – The ASR software detects speech (a person speaks, or a video/audio is played)
  • – ASR creates a wave file of the words it hears
  • – The wave file is cleaned, meaning background noise is cancelled and volume is normalized throughout the entire file.
  • – The filtered wave file is then broken down into hundredth of seconds and analyzed in sequences.
  • – The detailed sound measurements of each segment are matched based on statistical probability to determine the whole words and then complete sentences.
  • – To achieve greater accuracy, professional human transcriptionists review ASR’s output to ensure error-free results.

Most transcription services offer an easy-to-use interface that only requires you to upload your multimedia files to their cloud storage system. After a quick analysis, ASR, along with other technologies do its magic, and you are presented with a completely transcribed document formatted and punctuated appropriately.

As most highly efficient service providers offer timestamping with the transcribed dialogue or words of a sentence, the legal records become more findable and manageable. This, in turn, makes the case process smoother and speedier.

The Potential Risks and Recommended Security Measures

The Potential Risks and Recommended Security Measures

As much as technology advancement has its perks, it also has some concerns that must be addressed while programming a service software or tool. Turning over your confidential files to a machine may not sit right with you at first. Even with highly advanced, sophisticated software you may feel that your data will be vulnerable to exposure or potential hacks unless some assurance is provided by the manufacturer. Some would even say that you are jeopardizing the security protocol of your legal workspace by relying on a robot. 

However, as compared to the manual records and written files that are more vulnerable to theft or material damage, the automated transcripts are far better secure and encrypted. Almost all the transcription services online offer guaranteed data security and work on according to the standard confidentiality protocols. There is also a lesser chance of accidental data deletion or deliberate wastage as they are mostly backed and duplicated quite easily on cloud-based storage. Therefore, now is the time to eliminate human errors and make use of the latest technology at hand and the perks it has to offer. 

Get Tarjama’s secure transcription services that allow you to get the highest value out of your recordings, depositions, and proceedings. Our legal experts are powered with AI technology to deliver transcripts with record-breaking speed and efficiency.


Picture of Marwan Abdelaziz
Marwan Abdelaziz
